
In the field of traditional radiodiagnostics, Villa Margherita boasts over fifty years of experience and expertise that make it a reference point for the reliability and seriousness that distinguish it.

The Laboratory has two distinct radiological sections that can work autonomously simultaneously.

The rich range of radiological equipment and accessories available allows diagnostic presentations to be carried out with dedicated equipment capable of ensuring better image quality, greater diagnostic capacity and a lower dose of radiation administered to the patient.

I nostri medici

  • Diagnostica per Immagini
  • Prof. Mario Bezzi
  • Prof. Alessandro Bozzao
  • Prof. Luigi Bozzao
  • Dott. Luigi Fausto Calabria
  • Dott. Fabrizio Lucherini
  • Prof.ssa Francesca Maccioni
  • Dott. Stefano Perotti
  • Dott. Michele Rossi
  • Radiologia Oncologica
  • Prof. Mario Bezzi
  • Radiologia Interventistica
  • Prof. Mario Bezzi
  • Neuroradiologia
  • Prof. Alessandro Bozzao
  • Radiologia
  • Prof. Alessandro Bozzao
  • Prof. Luigi Bozzao
  • Dott. Luigi Fausto Calabria
  • Dott. Fabrizio Lucherini
  • Dott. Stefano Perotti
  • Dott. Michele Rossi
  • Neurologia
  • Prof. Luigi Bozzao
  • Diagnostica per Immagini - Radiologia
  • Dott.ssa Laura Broglia
  • Dott.ssa Annelisa Marsella
  • Dott.ssa Raffaella Fausta Pastore
  • Dott.ssa Federica Pediconi
  • Radiologia e Gastroentorologia
  • Prof.ssa Francesca Maccioni