MonnaLisa Touch

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    Villa Margherita offers a MonaLisa Touch™ clinic, followed by Dr. Roberto Senatori, for the study and treatment of disorders related to vaginal atrophy due to lack of estrogens.
    Among the various methods aimed at combating menopausal disorders, the MonaLisa Touch™ laser technology has proved to be an effective non-pharmacological therapy, non-surgical and, above all, free of side effects. MonaLisa Touch™ acts on the tissues, restoring elasticity and hydration thanks to the increase of collagen fibers, mucosa thickness and microcirculation. The first results can be seen 30 days after the first session. The technique consists of three non-invasive outpatient treatments performed by a gynaecologist, in the absence of analgesia or anesthesia, to be repeated after about one month. At the end of the cycle of applications, there is an average improvement in symptoms related to vaginal atrophy of more than 80% and, in some cases, there is total remission. Almost all women undergoing MonaLisa Touch™ therapy report full satisfaction. This method should not be thought of in terms of aesthetic embellishment, it is a real functional treatment that can improve the quality of life of the woman and overcome a disorder that is often disabling. It is important, however, for the full success of the technique, to exclude other causes that may cause pain during intercourse. It is therefore necessary to rely on the professionalism and experience of a specialist.