Breast Tomosynthesis

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    It is a three-dimensional digital diagnostic technology, evolution of the current and well known mammography, with which images are acquired from different angles, stratified and then reconstructed. The end result is a set of layers that include the entire breast, then displayed, as with CT, one by one or in dynamic sequence on dedicated reading monitors (workstations).


    The great advantage of this method is the elimination of the overlapping of the various breast structures, which often makes it difficult to interpret 2D images, allowing the detection of even very small lesions that might otherwise escape the traditional mammography. Therefore, also thanks to the possibility of further processing of the images, an increase in diagnostic accuracy is obtained, as it is possible to identify both smaller lesions and slight alterations that indicate the presence of a tumor that could otherwise be masked. It can also resolve doubts in a suspected lesion, providing more detailed information about the shape, margins, tissue retractions or irregularities and thus helping in the characterization of the lesion itself. 

    In summary, there is an improvement in the detection and analysis of lesions and the certainty of their presence or absence avoids stressful false positives.

    These characteristics are particularly advantageous in “dense” breasts with an abundant mammary gland, which are more difficult to interpret radiologically and which generate dubious diagnoses.

    Furthermore, this technique allows us to reduce the compression of the breast during the course of the examination, which is often painful, poorly tolerated by patients and a source of resistance to undergo the examination itself.

    We are facing a significant innovation in breast imaging, which allows us to increase the diagnosis estimated between 30% and 40% and early diagnosis is the key element of proper prevention of breast cancer in order to properly treat and control the disease.

    This goal can only be achieved with advanced equipment, updated and managed by dedicated and competent professionals.