
The Ophthalmic Surgery Section of Villa Margherita carries out operations of:

  • Ophthalmology
  • Cataract Surgery
  • Retinal vitreous surgery
  • Paediatric eye surgery
  • Surgery of strabismus
  • Transplantation of cornea
  • Amniotic membrane implant

Cataract surgery is performed by phacoemulsification (aspiration of the contents of the lens through the use of ultrasound) with a mini invasive-microincisional technique, thanks to which operating trauma is reduced to a minimum, allowing rapid visual recovery. Implantation of injectable intraocular lenses (IOL: intra ocular lens), one-room, multifocal and toric lenses allows correction of high astigmatism. Cataract surgeries can be performed by topical anesthesia using only anesthetic eye drops, or under local anesthesia.

Vitreous retinal surgery is indicated for the following diseases: retina detachment (with ab external technique or vitrectomy), hemovitreum, diabetic directinopathy complications, macular pathology (macular pucker, macular holes). Vitreous retinal surgery is carried out thanks to a latest generation vitrectomus thanks to which it is possible to obtain a very high surgical standard by means of high speed probes for vitrectomy, control of the internal pressure of the intra-operative eye, Xenon light. This translates into greater operating safety, reduction of surgical time with consequent rapidity of the post-operative course.

Other retinal pathologies that can be treated with advanced vitreo-retinal surgery techniques include: Essudative Senile Macular Degeneration; Diabetic Retinopathy, Diabetic Macular Edema; Thrombosis of the Central Vein of the Retina and Branca; Post-Trombotic Macular Edema.

The treatments are carried out with intravitreal injections with ranibizumab (a monoclonal antibody that inhibits the growth factors of the capillary vessels) and the intravitreal dexamethasone with prolonged release.

Glaucoma surgery includes both traditional and valve-implanted surgeries.

Our team of pediatric eye surgeons also performs corneal transplants, retinopathy of the premature, congenital glaucoma, lacrimal occlusion, strabismus surgery.

I nostri medici

  • Oculistica e Oftalmologia
  • Dott. Marco Marenco
  • Oculistica<br/> Oftalmologia
  • Prof. Filippo Missiroli
  • Oculistica
  • Dott. Amedeo Nistri
  • Dott. Emilio Simongini